Since 2020 the world started working  remotely, everyone was in panic mode. What to do? How to work? Are the questions! These situations are new for everyone. Pandemic hits our lives like never before, for business owners, situations were tougher but some of them opted for the work from home option ,while others opted for hybrid model. But how about permanent work from home!!sounds interesting right. Where you just be at home and work with a professional community and analyticsfox softwares has chosen this option.


In the era of technology and globalization, companies are making efforts to succeed in the cultural diversity in the workplace. Cultural diversity in workplace increases when companies open the doors for the people from different backgrounds, and it has positive influence on the prosperity and growth of the firm, moreover this has great impact on the business success. Analytics fox software has given golden handshake to people from India and started permanent work from home! We recruited people from different regions of India-now our employees can proudly say that they have friends in different parts of India.

Diversity at AFX is a common thing now we accept employees of all backgrounds. We believe a diverse workplace is an important asset, since it acknowledges the strength of individual employees and potential they bring. Valuing the differences of each other is what ultimately brings us all together and can be the secret of our happy work culture. Here are some tips to help create a more diverse workplace:

  • Discuss diversity with your employees .
  • We Value the individual skills that employees bring.
  • Create and implement your own workplace diversity plan ,so that the employees become familiar with practicing diversity and inclusiveness within the workplace.

Diversity and inclusion will remain a crucial priority for the AFX to meet the needs of their families. We are building a workforce that creates a sense of belonging for everyone, we genuinely feel our employees feel like they belong at AFX. Join our diversity pool, we are open for many positions.