Next to excellence which is the next big step, for sure that is appreciation. Everyone deserves to be appreciated goes along with being liked ,appreciation is the key to achieve impossible and it makes things possible.

Hello amazing people! Good day to you all. Hope you are fabulous, happy and safe.

Let’s get straight into it,

“Wow. what a pleasant day it is!”

We read this kind of sentence as an example of exclamatory sentences. Right isn’t it? yes! That’s how appreciation works.

Acknowledging someone or recognizing someone’s efforts matters a lot. Because you never know when your words motivate someone or it will change their perspective towards work. There is beauty in everything ,so whenever we get a chance to appreciate someone’s behavior ,object or whatever! We as human beings should have to develop an art of appreciation.

AFX culture is build in a way, that we believe every individual has magic to create difference in the workplace, Our teams are happy and they bring the energy in rooms! while much of our interactions with the employees is over the mail or on zoom calls, it makes huge difference to set up regular 1:1 call in-person check-ins with our employees. When we connect on calls it creates a personal connections and allows us to thank employees for their hard work in more powerful and authentic manner. In AFX we believe every individual has magic to create difference in workplace


In the fast-paced world ,we forget many things that are so very important. Sadly, we expect from others but forget to return same to them, for example, how many of us prized our mom and dad for loving us everyday? How many of us have practice to thank our friends and families for every little thing they did for us? May become in the crowd, right? Others may think that they are showing off by earning or something! Where does the world go? It is important to prize people who deserve to be prizes .Tell them! They deserve it a lot.

Likewise, everything in the world is valuable with their uniqueness and characteristics. Every individual deserves to be celebrated and recognized.


1. Our Mood Improves

mood improvement by appreciation at work

Have you ever smiled with a stranger ,& in return received a big warm smile? If so, you might get caught up in a good mood the whole day. You remain happy, energetic & work the whole day with positive thoughts, right? take a daily example if someone says you look pretty in yellow or in any color you may wear that particular dress for often! That’s the effect of appreciation. if your mood changes with one smile or with one compliment then just think if you appreciate someone then how it will work.

2. Build-In Relationships

build-in relationship at work

Always spot the people in the workplace who are doing exemplary work or to those making positive contributions in the office. You can send them hand written notes or send them via mail. Colleagues like to be appreciated; they will always remember you for your kind words. Small gestures like this go a long way and make people happy and release endorphins in the brain. 

3. Your Creativity Enhances

appreciation enhances creativity

Yes that’s true, when you start appreciating your surroundings, you are increasing your creativity. Expressing appreciation helps in improving relationships at the workplace and employees in such an environment are highly motivated .When we delay giving thanks to do so in-person, it becomes difficult for the people to work in unhealthy work environments.

4. You Inspire Others


There is an old saying that when you appreciate something, it means that when you value something that value grows. The same is applicable for the people as well, people like to hear what they are doing is something meaningful. If you build a habit of appreciation you can see an increase in the performance of the employees. This quality of your will become contagious.

5. It Increases Your Effectiveness

Increases procuditvity

When we appreciate someone, we are in the process of giving. Employees who feel appreciated are highly likely to show appreciation to their co-worker and other team keeps employees engaged and in addition to improving productivity, showing appreciation in the workplace also increases employee engagement and dedication. It’s win-win situation for both .both will end in gaining not losing.


Appreciation should be a daily event and it is giving positive helps us to value each and everything. Its makes us feel valued and drives us crazy to do our not only stimulates our skills but capabilities. Appreciation can be as simple as giving quality time to an employee and interest in their career and personal growth.

It helps to throw away our fear of failure.

Appreciation can be shown to the whole team and this helps build engagement and culture that everyone wants to be part of.

“Appreciation is the highest form of prayer, for it acknowledges the presence of good wherever you shine the light of your thankful thoughts.”

-Alan Cohen

Appreciation is the visual art that goes beyond staring at a painting at a museum-art is in everything and everywhere you look. Opening your eyes to the world is essential in understanding the world around you!