
The art of appreciation | AnalyticsFox Softwares

The art of appreciation | AnalyticsFox Softwares

Next to excellence which is the next big step, for sure that is appreciation. Everyone deserves to be appreciated goes along with being liked ,appreciation is the key to achieve impossible and it makes things possible.Hello amazing people! Good day to you all. Hope...

How AFX opens doors for cultural diversity.

How AFX opens doors for cultural diversity.

Since 2020 the world started working  remotely, everyone was in panic mode. What to do? How to work? Are the questions! These situations are new for everyone. Pandemic hits our lives like never before, for business owners, situations were tougher but some of them...

IT Staff Augmentation: Before and After COVID 19

IT Staff Augmentation: Before and After COVID 19

A pandemic has never been expected to bring about such drastic changes in life. Among the industries that have been affected by the Coronavirus are hospitality, entertainment, and travel. A shift in business processes and work patterns were observed in the IT sector,...

Remote Patient Monitoring Application (RPM) for our US client

Remote Patient Monitoring Application (RPM) for our US client

The coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic has had many tragic effects and has been seriously testing the crisis response capacity of health systems around the world. We have built a Remote Patient Monitoring application(RPM) for one of our US clients amid Covid 19...

How to Choose a Loan Origination Software Vendor?

How to Choose a Loan Origination Software Vendor?

When you use the right lending software provider, you can make the intimidating process of lending much easier for yourself. By automating the complex steps and multiple stakeholders associated with lending, loan origination software simplifies and streamlines the...


Simple things should be simple, complex things should be Possible